Thursday, January 12, 2012

Somewhere over the pacific.

So we are about 39000 feet in the air right now and I have to say that KAL is treating us quite nicely.  Weakly and I are together and James & Barry are a row ahead of us.  Have plenty of room to stretch out and each of us has the right seats to extend the legs.  Lunch was Korean, of course.  Free booze and pretty stews reminds me of airline travel from the good old days.  We are all watching movies, since there are about 16 free ones to watch. drive, Moneyball, and maybe the last Harry potter movie are in my future.  After that I think I will sleep for 6 hours.  It's a long flight after all.  More to follow.  3 hours since takeoff.

Hour 9 and the entertainment center has stopped working.  This is why I have an iPad, I will bring enough to entertain myself.  I learned that after 6 months in Kuwait.  But this handled me to my next problem.

2 rows ahead, he sits there. Spiked hair, frosted tips.  Big diamond earrings. A shirt that says down the sleeves "france cock".  I can live with these fashion choices, no matter how bad they are.  But he is watching the footloose remake, and this will not stand. I think when I get off the plane I may have to body check him into a wall.  Maybe I should take another Xanax.

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